Project overview
The Smith Family helps Australian children living in disadvantage to reach their full potential, particularly by supporting their education. Its programs are designed to boost the skills of children and young people, and it offers mentoring and other learning support outside of school to help them create better futures for themselves.The not-for-profit organisation publishes a detailed annual report. Through words and imagery, it shows its existing and potential sponsors, donors and other supporters the impacts of its activities. The report shares the positive results The Smith Family has achieved during the year by showcasing personal stories of the young people it has helped.
Solution delivered
Editor Group has edited and proofread six editions of The Smith Family’s annual report. Each year, we work closely with The Smith Family’s communications team to understand how the organisation has adapted to social and economic changes to continue its work throughout the year, marking its progress against its published Five-Year Strategy.
Through interviews with senior leaders, we gain a clear understanding of each facet of the organisation’s program research and development, as well as its advocacy, philanthropy and culture-related initiatives. These interviews help us synthesise large amounts of supplied commentary, research and statistics when writing or editing sections of the report – and ensure we can help The Smith Family tell a compelling and effective story for its wide audience.
We are delighted to report that The Smith Family was recognised with a Gold Award in the Australasian Reporting Awards in 2023 and 2024. Our team is proud to work on the organisation’s award-winning annual report.